The creativity train can take a different route and should, therefore, be exercised. Creativity is not just about being born with the artist’s flair or genius ideas; it’s a skill everyone can develop with the right frame of mind and approaches. Whether you want to become more creative in your social life, work, or hobbies, here are practical steps you can take to become more creative.
1. Embrace Curiosity
Creativity is built on curiosity. Be curious, learn new things, question your beliefs. Don’t shy away from probing more deeply into topics that interest you even if they do not initially strike you as having anything to do with what you usually think about. Curiosity breeds discovery, so the more curious you are, the more opportunities you will find for creative breakthroughs.
2. Change Your Environment
Your environment plays a massive role in your creativity. Breaking out of your normal setting can inspire new thoughts. A change of scenery can certainly provide you with a fresh perspective — whether you rearrange your workspace, head to a to a café, or go for a walk in nature.
3. Engage in Creative Exercises
Creativity is a muscle—the more often you flex, the more toned you get. Try a creativity exercise, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or free writing. These tasks require you to think creatively and consider ideas without limits. If you want to keep your brain sharp, try drawing regularly, writing in a journal, or even solving some puzzles.
4. Allow Yourself to Fail
Fear of failure is one of the greatest barriers to creativity. But failure is a crucial part of the creative process. It is often through failure that we learn and find new ways of doing things. Be open to making mistakes and treat them as growth opportunities instead of step-backs.
5. Seek Inspiration from Others
Browse through these ubiquitous series. Working with people who have a different mindset than you can inspire creative ideas of your own. Study — read books, listen to podcasts, watch documentaries — to learn about different fields of creativity. You will be more inspired when you expose yourself to new perspective.
6. Mindfulness and Relaxation Practice
And sometimes creativity comes easiest when we stop forcing it. Focus on meditation, deep breathing, etc., for a calm mind, and let ideas come up in a healthy way. Relaxation allows your mind to sink into your subconscious—where most of the creative ideas lie.
7. Set Aside Time for Creativity
In this age and time, with things moving so fast, there are all those dates and deadlines, creativity has been deprioritized. Schedule time each day or week to do something creative. That may require making time to paint, write, solve problems or whatever it is that you do to express yourself. Make sure to be consistent with developing your creativity.
8. Break Routine and Take Risks
Routine suffocates creativity, so it’s good to deviate once in a while. Try new things, start new hobbies or be challenged in a way that forces you out of your comfort zone. Being adventurous and willing to try new things can stimulate creativity and may develop your ability to problem-solve.
9. Get Plenty of Rest
Creativity requires energy, and an rested mind is much more creative than a tired one. Get enough sleep and take breaks throughout your day. Taking time to rest rejuvenates your mind and improves brainwork so that you generate new ideas quickly.
10. Believe in Yourself
Self-doubt is one of the biggest barriers to creativity. Have faith that you will generate good ideas and listen to your gut. When you are confident in your creativity, it becomes easier to take risks and be innovative.
I know it can be done, but that means structuring your environment and cultivating a new mindset, freeing yourself of barriers and constraints as you turn down dead ends only to discover a new way forward. However, by adopting these techniques you will unleash your creative force and tackle challenges with fresh, unconventional solutions. So let go of your inhibitions, be open to new things, and remember: creativity is a muscle that can be strengthened through use.